WORKING ON A Bank Holiday Monday is a real bum deal. While everyone else is off gallivanting, you have to knuckle down and get on with it.
Sometimes, the lure of double pay (if you get it) isn’t enough to keep you going throughout the day. But we’re right here with you. We know how it feels.
The moment when you discover you’ve been rostered in for the Bank Holiday Monday, and your whole world comes crashing down.
Goodbye, life.
What lovely plans everyone has today. Cinema, is it? Lovely walk on the beach, yeah?
Nice for some.
There was a party last night that you couldn’t go to because you were working this morning, and Facebook is filthy with pictures and gossip from it.
Pure determination
Right. You’re here, you’re fairly awake, and you can’t leave until 5pm.
For you are not the only one working their butt off on this day. We must stand together.
Maybe you’re one of the lucky ones that gets double pay.
You’re probably pretty pleased with yourself, actually.
Because you’ve been working all day, you’re allowed to be good to yourself when you get home.
A giant glass of wine, some yummy food, or demanding the TV remote for the night – be assertive and get what you want. You deserve it.